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Peter Feldman, Producer

I am a New York-based producer working for agencies and clients all over the world.  My broad range of experience includes producing content for every conceivable platform and need: from Instagram stories to Super Bowl commercials, I work on innovative internet, social, experiential, broadcast, webisode, still photography, OOH productions...and more.

Successful projects include work for PSA's, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, jeans and sneakers, smartphones and internet infrastructure, headphones, pharmaceuticals, fast food, automotive, computers, coffee and much more...all benefiting from an approach to production that maximizes opportunities through the resourceful application of deep experience,  trusted relationships, financial responsibility, creativity, savior faire, and a passion to do great work.

As resources increase, the ability to use them well diminishes 
-Robert Bresson, filmmaker

Written in 1975, this quote applies today more than ever.  In the right hands, less really can provide more.

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I've worked with hundreds of producers. Some are field commanders, some are creative savants, some are impresarios. With Peter, you get all 3. He combines the well-earned wisdom of a Jedi Master, brilliant creative and filmmaking instincts, and an unyielding passion for greatness. Peter can see the matrix - he anticipates opportunities and challenges. He can help conjure solutions in impossible circumstances. And he has encyclopedic knowledge of, and connections to, the greatest filmmakers, composers, and editors in the business. On top of this, he is one of the best human beings you could ever hope to bring into your orbit. Straightforward, genuine, and generous with his time, his talent and his spirit. To call someone like Peter Feldman a "Producer" doesn't quite capture it all:)

Greg DiNoto  


Peter is hands-down the most talented, thorough, solution-oriented, miracle-making Producer I had the pleasure of working within my advertising career. His level of professionalism, quality of work, speed, and management were critical to the projects we worked on at BBDO. Peter, quite simply, is a master of his trade.

Khartoon Weiss

Global Head of Verticals, Spotify

It's fair to say that any project peter is attached to will be better because of it. his resourcefulness, deep and eclectic knowledge of music and film, plus his natural creativity make for a pretty lethal production cocktail. that and he's a joy to hang out with.

Greg Hahn

Chief Creative Officer,  BBDO, NY

Peter is one of the most nimble, yet thorough producers I have ever encountered. He's a fireman, a talent scout, and a tireless creative partner. The work he did for us was exquisite. He's a true professional.

Sheldon Levy

Associate Head of Production, Saatchi NY

In addition to having great taste, Peter knows how to get complicated things done. A creative mind and a problem solver.

David Lubars

Chairman/Chief Creative Officer,  BBDO

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Featured Work

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6 Degrees of Budweiser

6 Degrees of Budweiser

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Agency: FCB    Directors: Joaquin Baca-Asay and Lalou Dammond

Because Super Bowl commercials have a huge audience and a commensurate huge price tag, they always come with huge pressures. But this spot for Budweiser brought extra hurdles: financial constraints, an ambitious schedule, celebrities both on and off camera, casting real people (not actors), and the necessity of being able to make substantial editorial changes to what was conceived and produced as a one-take commercial.
In the face of these challenges I single-handedly produced the social, print/stills, radio and broadcast spots for Budweiser’s latest superbowl campaign, 6 Degrees of Bud. Directed by the team of Joaquin Baca-Asay and Lalou Dammond of  Biscuit Filmworks (who I have collaborated with before), this commercial leaves the fantasy Budweiser Clydesdale world behind in favor of demonstrating the real-world connection that a simple six of Bud can make between people, and it's narrated by none other than the progenitor of 6 degrees of separation himself, Kevin Bacon.

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Nissan @Home

Nissan @Home

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Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day   Director: Henry Hobson

Thanks to Nissan, automotive consumers can now select, purchase, and receive their new car entirely from the comfort and safety of their homes. The creatives at Chiat/Day found a smart and entertaining way to show this benefit by reversing time’s arrow: cars begin at their destinations and drive backwards until they arrive where the adventure (and purchase) began, at home. Director Henry Hobson of MJZ pulled this concept off with style, creating car shots that had even the precision driving team from the movie Tenet (which had plenty of reverse driving) scratching their heads. I engaged editor Paul Watts to complete the all-star production line-up, and topped the entire project off with a wonderfully appropriate song by the obscure band Sparks, suggesting them BEFORE their recent documentary-inspired return to fame. (Ok, maybe they’re still not famous, but they are great, and the song is perfect)  

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Cartoon Network Redraw Your World

Cartoon Network Redraw Your World

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Agency: DiNoto Inc.    Director: Joseph Kahn

Nandi Bushell, the 12 year old English drummer and internet sensation, was named Cartoon Network’s “musician in residence”, prompting CN to ask Greg DiNoto of the DiNoto agency to feature her in a film meant to inspire kids to “redraw their world”, making it a better place. 
I managed all production and business affairs for the film, bringing this massive, live-action, effects and animation-filled project to life, despite the pandemic, a UK/US travel ban and a limited budget. After extensive bidding (4 directors in 5 countries) and the leveraging of multiple relationships, I enlisted  legendary music video director Joseph Kahn to direct, and collaborated with the amazing music team Brain and Melissa (Primus, Tom Waits, Guns and Roses, etc) to create the original track. Today I am proud of the work, and I look forward to a future where I tell people that I worked with Nandi Bushell when she was just 12!

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Chase Sapphire “Beyond” :30

Chase Sapphire “Beyond” :30

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Agency: Droga 5    Director: Traktor

Whether he's acting, singing, or just being hilarious, late night host James Corden has a way of making it all look so easy. But this production for the Chase Sapphire credit card, which sent him out of the galaxy to illustrate the card's far-reaching benefits, required the collective efforts of some of the industry's most talented professionals. I brought multi- award winning directing team Traktor together with CG animation company Framestore (Gravity, Guardians of the Galaxy) and Lost Planet editor Saar Klein (Almost Famous, the Bourne Identity) to create a comedic spot that informed as much as it entertained.

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Cisco “Choices” :72

Cisco “Choices” :72

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Agency: Ogilvy    Director: Mac Premo

It can be hard to make technology spots clearly understandable, let alone interesting, to a broad audience . For this project I brought together the creative minds at Ogilvy and Mac Premo of Supply and Demand, and together we created this unusually compelling technology narrative.  An on-camera painter provides the visual thread that runs through this highly watchable depiction of Cisco's many advantages, and it was gratifying to utilize Dave Towers, Design Director at Ogilvy London, as our real-life painter with a highly distinctive style.

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Old Navy “Built For Play” :60

Old Navy “Built For Play” :60

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Agency: James Spindler and Co    Director: Arnaud Uttenhove

When Old Navy needed a campaign for their line of activewear, they called upon one-man agency/creative powerhouse James Spindler to write it.  And when Spindler needed to bring his ideas to life, he called me. The entire South African shoot became a two-man agency operation, and the results speak for themselves. Directed by Arnaud Uttenhove and edited by Ben Jordan.

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Beats by Dre “The Game Before the Game” 3:00

Beats by Dre “The Game Before the Game” 3:00

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Agency: Beats In-house    Director: Nabil

I worked directly with Beats to produce this World Cup campaign shot in several different European countries, and featuring some of the best players in the game. Directed by former still photographer Nabil and starring Neymar, the work went on to achieve global recognition.

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DURACELL "A Powerful Journey"

DURACELL "A Powerful Journey"

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Agency: Saatchi    Director: Eliot Rausch

Saatchi NY asked me to help tell the amazing story of football great Patrick Willis’ rise from abject poverty to superstardom. This job required a director with a knowledge of football, but more importantly one who understood how to convey the heart and spirit of this great athlete in a way that would touch viewers. Eliot Rausch, a superstar himself when it comes to beautiful, honest filmmaking and emotional portraits of real people, was my first choice.  It was the right decision, as this highly awarded content piece became its own kind of success story.

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Dewar’s “Bar” :60

Dewar’s “Bar” :60

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Agency: Opperman Weiss    Director: Laurence Dunmore

The dockside warehouses of Edinburgh, Scotland provided the perfect location for this dark and mysterious campaign for Dewar's scotch, and I gathered together the perfect team to execute it.  Actress Claire Forlani has rarely been more beguiling (or dangerous!) than in this spot directed and shot by Laurence Dunmore. Music and sound design by Duotone added to the foreboding and sexy atmosphere, and editor Andre Betz was the final ingredient that ensured the campaign's ultimate success for both Dewars and this small agency with big ideas,  Opperman Weiss.

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Landrover “Orbit” :60

Landrover “Orbit” :60

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Agency: GSD&M    Director: Eric Saarinen

Landrover’s reputation for being able to drive anywhere has never received a more powerful showcase than this multi-award winning spot by GSD&M that has been used as a model for creative technique in filmmaking classes.  Viewing it as a design problem as much as a cinematic one led me to choose a director/cameraman whose design pedigree is as impressive as his director’s reel, Eric Saarinen. And by enlisting  and working directly with guitar great Gary Lucas(perennial winner of best guitarist on earth polls, who freestyled solos while watching the final edit looped repeatedly) we had a wealth of music to choose from for this classic commercial.

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Siemens Brand Manifesto

Siemens Brand Manifesto

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Agency: RG/A     Animation: ODD

In the midst of a worldwide pandemic, international behemoth Siemens Electronics approached RG/A New York to help create a new global identity campaign that would reflect their updated orientation and products. RG/A tapped me to produce the work.

I introduced the Siemens group at RG/A to ODD, the Office of Design and Development, a group of exacting perfectionists led by design and animation guru Gary Breslin. It was my job to make sure the collaboration went flawlessly, despite the challenging timeline, the constant stream of feedback from the client, and the geographic distance between everyone involved.

In the end both the agency and the multi-tiered client were delighted with the result- content that seamlessly combines animated type and illustration with live action. This piece, which was translated into many languages, proves that in the right hands great international work can be produced even in the midst of a global cataclysm.

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Samsung Galaxy Note 7  “Launch” 2:00

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 “Launch” 2:00

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Agency: Big Spaceship    Director: Anthony Crook

Starchitect Bjarke Ingals, Girls Who Code pioneer Reshma Saujani and Indiegogo founder Slava Rubin provide the focal points for this content piece about overachieving outliers who make use of mobile technology, and whose impact has been felt throughout the world. This campaign is an example of the great results that can be achieved when carefully chosen components are skillfully assembled; expert direction by RSA's Antony Crook, brilliant editing by Ted Guard from Rock Paper Scissors, and a music track that provides positive momentum throughout all contributed to making this short film a big success for agency Big Spaceship.

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Craftsman "Love Making-Van Dam Boats"

Craftsman "Love Making-Van Dam Boats"

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Agency: Havas    Director: Philip Andelman

When Havas Chicago wanted to create powerful and entertaining content about a “maker” who uses Craftsman tools, I went into overdrive on the search, and leveraged the real people resources of  casting director Dan Bell.  After considering hundreds of possibilities, we settled on the Van Dam family of Boine City, Michigan, who make the world’s (arguably) greatest wooden boats. We were similarly choosy about selecting our other partners in this production, and Identity director Philip Andelman's exacting attention to detail was matched by the contribution made by a frequent collaborator, peerless editor and sound/graphics designer Neil Gust. And rarely does a 70’s power ballad get the kind of contemporary transformation Bad Company’s Feels like Makin’ Love gets here, where the danger of campiness has been miraculously avoided.

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Jeep “Almost Is Not Enough” :60

Jeep “Almost Is Not Enough” :60

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Agency: Translation    Director: Ralf Schmerberg

5 countries, 3 cinematographers and 2 weeks of near constant filming provided the hundreds of hours of material for this campaign from the agency Translation. I engaged longtime collaborators Radical Media to organize this sprawling Ralf Schmerberg shoot in which driving from Germany through Switzerland, Italy and Slovenia to Croatia became small shoots within an overarching, epic production. The fast moving edits are complemented by the music of Johnny Jewell from the film Drive, which provides a minimal but effective and contemporary soundtrack, and gives the whole campaign a nice edge.

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AdCouncil “Mick”  2:00

AdCouncil “Mick” 2:00

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Agency: Havas    Director: Marco Grob

When a producer successfully conveys the creative potential of a campaign, even the most talented and in-demand vendors can be persuaded to participate, regardless of budgetary limitations.  Renowned photographer and transitioning director Marco Grob turned out to be an ideal partner for this PSA campaign about high blood pressure awareness from Havas NY. These deeply compelling short films are about people who became victims of stroke and heart disease, but emerged with the bravery required to tell their stories.  Mick’s story was a particularly devastating one, as a series of major strokes dealt massive setbacks to this “bulletproof” FBI agent and father.  The power of this work was augmented by Emmy award-winning cinematographer Eigil Bryld( a repeat collaborator), and by Finnish Editor Lasse Jarvi, who had worked on HBO’s The Defiant Ones documentary series.  Music that provides tension and release without resorting to emotional button-pushing allowed us to sidestep the mediocrity that more conventional music choices can lead to.  I also produced a powerful print campaign from this shoot and the images from that are still enjoying a long usage life.

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J&J  “Anthem”

J&J “Anthem”

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Agency: BBDO    Director: Reynald Gresset

Babies, cute and sweet as they may be, are notoriously difficult to work with. So lots of babies, cast for a wide range of diversity, can present a diverse set of production challenges. Add to that a last-minute desire to turn away from an “image” style commercial in favor of product-based advertising, and this dream project nearly became a nightmare.  Fortunately I came up with an extremely efficient approach to production that was irresistible, and achieved all of the agency and client goals.  And because I involved the supremely talented director Reynald Gresset and the masterful Lost Planet editor Charlie Johnston, not only did this image spot get shot and edited, but  BBDO took it to Cannes.

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